Arthur Lazarus, MD, MBA, CPE, FAAPL, a member of the Physician Leadership Journal editorial board, comments on the research article by Dr. Scott Falk on costs and outcomes in value-based care.
How do leaders coach to make changes in employee personal or professional behavior? Robert Hicks discusses the process of Prochaska and DiClemente in Transtheoretical Model of Change.
Are your messages as a leader being heard? Are you sure? This article reviews the pitfalls and barriers to effective communication and helps you connect with your audiences.
Trying to help someone make changes in their personal or professional behavior? It’s not easy. Someone who needs to make changes must go through a mental process of understanding and accepting them first.
Learn about leaders who share ideas and credit and how they foster successful work cultures and allow teams to thrive.
How can doctors be better mentors? These tips can help physicians lead others in more productive ways.
Patient experience has grown increasingly important to health care organizations. Many have created leadership positions dedicated to it.
Physician leaders have the opportunity and responsibility to nurture development of others, whether patients or colleagues. Mentoring can have significant benefits in a professional setting.
Take a quick test to see if you have narcissistic personality traits. Discover if you have narcissistic traits. Examine how it can affect leaders and what can be done mitigate the tendencies.
Here’s how leaders can help everyday performers reach their potential.
Read about how physician leaders deal with conflict and clashing viewpoints in the workplace.
Here are four recommendations to help physician leaders create a learning culture on their teams.
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