Managers have tried various strategies and perks to boost employee engagement—all with little impact on long-term retention and performance. But now, neuroscience offers some answers. Through his research on the brain chemical oxytocin—shown to facil...
After several years of assessing and monitoring faculty burnout, engagement, work-life balance, and leadership performance, a physician-leader of a clinical division, decided to assess and monitor burnout. He coined the term “Humanistic Bundle” to de...
Physician leadership belongs to us all. Let’s not waste the opportunity to collaborate more closely for the change warranted in an industry that is so deeply personal for everyone. We, our patients, and our families will all benefit from these effort...
Sponsorship is a vital mechanism for advancing the careers of junior employees. But it’s not just a one-way relationship in which everything flows from the sponsor to the sponsee. What sponsees bring to the relationship, in fact, is just as important...
In trying to “protect” their teams, many managers become what the authors refer to as “umbrella managers”: well-intentioned leaders who want to protect their teams from all inclement organizational weather. But this type of leadership comes with a he...
Too often team meetings feel draining. But what if they accelerated the progress they often stifle? Managers can take a page from the startup world, where “mastermind meetings” are all the rage. Entrepreneurs routinely sign five-figure checks for the...
In this conversation with SoundPractice co-host Cheryl Toth, Thomas Zoch, MD, Vice President of Care Management-Clinical at Ascension Wisconsin talks about his leadership philosophy and the use of morning huddles to engage physicians and staff from a...
In this article, we discuss the personal traits and key behaviors that physician leaders must adopt to be effective in team-based management models.
This final installment of the four-part series addresses how leaders can overcome risk aversion and fiscal austerity to advance a business case for improving quality.
High-performance teamwork is based on a trusting relationship between a team leader and the team members. Job crafting is a way to communicate that their leader cares about them individually, which supports trust.
“Two heads are better than one.” It’s a familiar expression—and one that businesses might want to heed. The authors’ study of 87 companies led by co-CEOs showed that those firms tended to generate better returns than did peer companies with a sole CE...
How can employers do a better job hiring and keeping young workers? New research from interviews with workforce development specialists focusing on young workers (particularly young workers of color) filling core production tasks in factories, health...
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