Physician leadership's complexity is heightened by societal polarization. Centrist leadership, focusing on uniting diverse groups toward common goals, is essential. It combines strategic vision with skillful execution.
This study evaluates an inter-professional healthcare leadership development program's impact on organizational commitment and shared vision, revealing significant increases and suggesting enhanced commitment to goals.
Although it’s widely accepted that good leaders are good learners, a learning mentality can also have a darker side. If not carefully managed, it might lead to a perception of decreased effectiveness, less expertise, and lower efficiency. Your learni...
Passing the buck often means avoiding blame or responsibility. Good leaders own their mistakes and don’t shift blame. They are respected for their integrity. Avoid passing the buck; instead, face your errors and learn from them.
Living under the weight of constant scrutiny and comparison teaches Olympic athletes not only how to excel in their sport but also how to effectively harness feedback for continuous improvement. Learning to discern which feedback to embrace and which...
Operations have always been foundational to competitive advantage, but the nature of this relationship is shifting: Historically, the strategic goal of operations was to achieve scale in order to create a sustainable efficiency advantage. In recent y...
The article highlights the benefits of having an MBA in the medical field, including the ability to build and leverage oneself as a brand, and to address problems differently.
At some point, every company makes a mistake that requires an apology — to an individual; a group of customers, employees, or business partners; or the public at large. And more often than not, companies and their leaders fail to apologize effectivel...
Patients with chronic healthcare needs are susceptible to prolonged stress, which can lead to burnout and negative health outcomes.
Physicians in the later stages of their careers who have maintained their independence and resisted selling their practice often have a renewed interest in selling as they near retirement. This interest may be motivated by a desire to realize some va...
Klasko and Terry offer a novel proposal for reforming healthcare financing and delivery without adopting Medicare for all, and they emphasize the importance of doctors having a stake in the healthcare system and address the mistrust that currently ex...
This article challenges the notion that conventional jobs are the most effective or beneficial approach to a career in medicine.
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