This third installment of the four-part series examines the benefits of linking quality and cost by creating an integrated performance measurement scorecard and evaluating potential sources of financial data.
A company of Amazon’s size simply can’t ignore the business opportunities in America’s chaotic $4.1 trillion health care economy.
Legal and policy restrictions on reproductive health care will not only have swift impact on people who can get pregnant and their families, but it will also undermine critical areas of research, innovation, and progress toward more equitable health ...
Doctors and researchers in kidney care have been active recently in reevaluating their use of race-based medical guidance.
This article discusses the lasting effects of a natural disaster on those who are immediately affected, as well as the far-reaching effects on the mental health of those who are far from the devastation.
This article addresses the innumerable effects HIPAA has on physicians’ daily medical practice.
This second installment in a four-part series provides a guide and practical examples for reasonably predicting the cost of waste and the financial impact of a proposed quality-improvement initiative.
This article presents an interview with Marcelo Malakooti, MD, FAAP, CPE. He describes the implementation and success of family-centered rounding.
Your building has important performance responsibilities. Starting with a well-designed layout will streamline practice flow, improve staff efficiency, and give patients a stellar experience so that everybody wins.
Talking about mental health at work can be tricky, especially when you’re just starting out in your career. To break the stigma around having these conversations at work, try out these six strategies.
The National Quality Forum (NQF) today announced the names of 35 senior leaders from NQF Member Organizations who have been selected to participate in its 2022 Leadership Consortium.
Many hospital medication cabinets can be searched by inputting only a few letters. Since 2017, there have been at least eight reports of hospital staff accidentally withdrawing and then administering or nearly administering the wrong drug for this re...
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