These are challenging times to stay energized and upbeat. The author offers four pieces of advice to help make you and your colleagues more optimistic.
In our always-on world, burnout has long been a threat. But in 2020 burnout became rampant, seemingly overnight. Within weeks millions of people lost their jobs and faced financial and food insecurity.
In this practical podcast interview, Susan Quirk flags the most common mistakes that organizations make when onboarding (or not onboarding) physicians, the importance of fit of the physician in both company structure and strategy, the list of reasons...
When employees don’t understand why changes are happening, it can be a barrier to driving ownership and commitment and can even result in resistance or push back.
In this podcast episode, Mike Sacopulos interviews Laura Hills, D.A. Dr. Hills is well known for her programs, books, and articles, and notably, has been the staff development columnist for The Journal of Medical Practice Management since 1998. Her...
As COVID-19 cases surge, some physicians may need to be quarantined, resulting in hospitalist staffing shortages.
Current and future challenges will require creative new leaders in the clinical, political, and research arenas to keep the specialty moving forward.
Overwork and overtime are par for the course in some healthcare organizations. Learn how healthcare executives can alleviate stress for chronically overworked employees.
In the face of physicians having to quarantine due to COVID-19, hospitalists can perform telemedicine encounters remotely with the assistance of onsite telepresenters.
A fictionalized case study presents problems faced by leaders in real companies and offers solutions from experts.
In this fascinating episode, Dr. Patty Fahy offers ideas for identifying, hiring, and retaining exceptional physicians.
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