In this AAPL online course, Transition from Management to Leadership, learners will discover that leadership is defined not by title but by mindset and actions.
In this AAPL offering, l__earners will discover that leadership is defined not by title but by mindset and actions.
Can you manage without leading? Or lead without managing? Although leadership and management are inseparable, they are not the same thing. Managers are responsible for the processes and efficiencies of day-to-day operations, while leaders are inspirational, empowering, reflective and visionary.
These differences are detailed in Transition from Management to Leadership , an online course offered by the American Association for Physician Leadership. It is designed to help you identify and demonstrate your leadership knowledge and skills, competencies and gaps, and properly prepare you for a transition to the C-suite.
Learners will discover that leadership is defined not by title — manager or leader — but by mindset and actions. Someone might be a manager in title, for example, but a leader in his or her actions, not just solving problems or making organizational improvements but empowering others to be part of that process.
The course explains the leadership role, provides strategies for a successful transition to that new role, and identifies the styles and characteristics of effective leadership, including the ability to inspire and motivate others.
Other courses now offered by AAPL:
Embracing Change : Using real-world examples, this course demonstrates the need for leaders to be adaptable and resilient instead of fearful of, and resistant to, change. The course emphasizes commitment to and ownership of organizational change, explores methods for coping, managing emotions and overcoming resistance to change, and explains the importance of communication and remaining productive during the uncertainty that accompanies change.
Social Media for Physicians : As the physician-patient paradigm shifts from an in-person to an online relationship, every generation increasingly expects two-way communication with physicians via social media. This course explains the evolving role of health care via social media, how to identify and interact with your audience through social media (without violating federal rules), how to stay abreast of industry trends, how to build a “brand voice” — and the right ways to use that voice in an online forum.
Essentials of Health Law : A challenge for physicians and physician leaders is to manage daily responsibilities while staying current with new health laws and policies. This course explains how to interpret statutes and judicial opinions, how laws affect business relationships and decision-making, reviews managed-care issues and key contract provisions, and explores ways to reduce the risk associated with liability trends.
Go to to register and to view other education opportunities available from the association.
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