Inspired Physician Leadership: Creating Influence and Impact
Recorded: Wednesday March 27 12:00pm ET
Members Only
This webinar was designed for physicians transitioning from clinician to physician leader who needed to develop their interpersonal and political skills to thrive in their new role. Our expert speaker covered topics such as The Nature of Leadership, The Transition from Doer to Leader, Emotional Intelligence, and more. The webinar was based on established research and best practices and provided practical tools and examples that could be applied immediately in participants' day-to-day work. Participants had the opportunity to enhance their leadership skills and make a significant impact on their organization.
Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling
by Edgard Schein
Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships
by Daniel Goleman
About the Presenter
Charles (Chuck) R. Stoner, DBA, is professor emeritus at Bradley University and president of Stoner & Associates Consulting. Dr. Stoner earned his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees from Florida State University. An award-winning scholar and teacher, he has authored thirteen books and numerous academic articles. A dynamic and engaging speaker and facilitator, Dr. Stoner works with a variety of businesses and organizations throughout the country, specializing in leadership, interpersonal dynamics, and change, as well as leader coaching for personal growth and reinvention. His book, Inspired Physician Leadership: Creating Influence and Impact, 2nd Edition, can be found in the AAPL online store.