Improving Physician Documentation: Best Practices for Reimbursement and Risk Management
Physician leaders receive messages from coders, compliance, and other physicians about coding and documentation issues. Some messages require immediate attention and some require diplomacy. But how to assess the importance of these messages? Protecting revenue integrity is two-fold: collecting all the reimbursement that the group is entitled to collect and ensuring the group is complying with complex and changing regulations.
Using a question-and-answer format with case examples, this practical webinar will describe the type of messages that require priority action and those that don’t. Each case will include an explanation of the coding principle and coding rule involved and the type of inquiries that are required.
After the webinar, participants will be able to:
Prioritize the importance of coding and documentation issues
Analyze revenue concerns brought to leadership
Assess documentation concerns based related to compliance
Identify source citations required to distinguish seriousness of concerns
Integrate regulations into policy and procedures