American Association for Physician Leadership
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March/April 2024

Volume 2, Issue 2

March/April 2024

In the physician’s office, the schedule itself is the most powerful and influential aspect of the physician’s day — and it can control you or you can control it.

March/April 2024

As the adult population of the United States continues to get older, the number of patients with multiple chronic conditions is expected to increase drastically, providing a greater imperative for effective care coordination within the medical infras...

March/April 2024

Like all superheroes, healthcare administrators, leaders, and managers have superpowers and origin stories, even though many do not recognize them. This article explains why discovering and using origin stories is useful for both leaders and their fo...

March/April 2024

Narrative medicine programs have become increasingly popular among physicians, aiming to teach doctors and other caregivers sensitive interviewing skills and the art of empathic listening and storytelling to improve patient care.

March/April 2024

The business plan is the basic tool that entrepreneurs in the health sector need to transform their idea into an opportunity and make it happen. Evaluating the opportunity is the first step in the process.

March/April 2024

Is the ACA on life support or are we headed toward a reimbursement system that emphasizes quality instead of volume?

March/April 2024

This article discusses the concept of walk-in retail clinics and their benefits to both patients and providers.

March/April 2024

Leaders across healthcare have made great progress in automating administrative tasks, but there are still significant opportunities to increase efficiency and alleviate the burden for providers and health plans.

March/April 2024

Providing care for patients with pelvic health disorders can be challenging due to their multidisciplinary nature. We describe the successful launch of an electronic, responsive, skip logic–based pre-visit intake in a complex patient population.

March/April 2024

The patterns of declining Medicare reimbursement rates over time have been documented in various disciplines of healthcare, but little research has been done on geographic trends in Medicare reimbursement in the areas of hospice and palliative medici...

March/April 2024

Regulatory organizations, such as medical licensing boards and private healthcare organizations, evaluate clinicians for lapses in professionalism involving ethics, record keeping, prescribing, and civic duties. Disciplinary action against these clin...

March/April 2024

There has been a dramatic escalation in the use of utilization review programs in an effort to constrain the surge of rising healthcare costs. Utilization review serves to verify the “medical necessity” of hospital admissions and specific medical pro...

For over 45 years.

The American Association for Physician Leadership has helped physicians develop their leadership skills through education, career development, thought leadership and community building.

The American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) changed its name from the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE) in 2014. We may have changed our name, but we are the same organization that has been serving physician leaders since 1975.


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AAPL providers leadership development programs designed to retain valuable team members and improve patient outcomes.

American Association for Physician Leadership®

formerly known as the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE)