Books and eBooks
Changing How We Think about Difficult Patients: A Guide for Physicians and Healthcare Professionals
Caring for difficult patients poses a tremendous challenge for physicians, nurses, and clinical practitioners. It may contribute significantly to feelings of burnout, including feelings of exhaustion, cynicism, and lost sense of purpose. This book will give you the benefit o...
Author: Joan Naidorf, DO
Healthcare Economic Reform: How and Why Physicians Must Lead Change Within Our Evolving Healthcare Economy
Healthcare Economic Reform serves as both an educational overview of how the healthcare economy operates, and a step-by-step guide for physicians to follow in pursuit of making the delivery of healthcare more satisfying. This book will address industry-wide problems and shif...
Author: Ellis M. Knight, MD, MBA
Physicians and the Law: The Intersection of Medicine, Business, and Medical Malpractice
Healthcare providers encounter complex problems in medical, business, and legal venues on a daily basis, and in an ever-evolving landscape. However, an incomplete understanding of how these three arenas intersect can undermine ability and confidence in handling the resulting...
Author: Timothy E. Paterick, MD, JD, MBA
Effective Crisis Leadership in Healthcare: Lessons Learned from a Pandemic
Effective Crisis Leadership in Healthcare conveys hard-learned tactics, strategies, and advice to enable healthcare leaders to increase their confidence and mental preparedness prior to the next big catastrophe. This book addresses industry-wide problems revealed by COVID-19...
Author: Aimee Greeter, MPH, FACHE and Max Reiboldt, CPA
Lucrative Practices: The Comprehensive Handbook for Healthcare Executives
Written as a business reference guide for healthcare executives, office managers, and professionals in independent practice, Lucrative Practices includes detailed “how to” discussions and instructions, tips, forms, templates and guides that steer professionals away from prob...
Author: Michael B. Spellman, PhD
The Problem Employee: How to Manage the Employees No One Wants to Manage
The Problem Employee presents complete, clear, how-to-do-it strategies for managing problem employees and delves into 17 of the most challenging and diabolical problem employees that healthcare leaders are likely to encounter.
Author: Laura Hills, DA
Affiliation Options for Physicians: Current and Future Strategies
The number of available affiliation options can be nearly as daunting and confusing as the uncertainty surrounding which model is the best fit for any organization. Choosing the correct model is best achieved through foundational knowledge – and with an eye on what you can e...
Author: Max Reiboldt, CPA
Physician-Led Healthcare Reform: A New Approach to Medicare for All
Today, employed physicians and independent physicians alike feel powerless. Hospital-employed doctors feel like cogs in a machine, and community doctors are increasingly threatened by forces beyond their control. Physician-led healthcare reform would give them back a large m...
Author: Ken Terry
50 Nonclinical Careers for Physicians: Fulfilling, Meaningful, and Lucrative Alternatives to Direct Patient Care
By the time they realize their career in clinical medicine isn’t everything they thought it would be, many physicians believe they’re too invested in their trade to turn back now. Feeling burned out, disengaged, unfulfilled or burdened by high student debt or compensation in...
Author: Sylvie Stacy, MD, MPH
All Physicians are Leaders: Reflections on Inspiring Change Together for Better Healthcare
This book is a frank dialogue and call to action on how all physicians can reach their fullest potential by becoming and remaining more engaged while inspiring engagement in others. It is also a clear-eyed look at the positive and trusted role physicians exercise in every se...
Author: Peter B. Angood, MD, FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM, FAAPL(Hon)
Value-Based Healthcare and Payment Models: Including Frontline Strategies for 20 Clinical Subspecialties
As value-based care is coming of age, deciding how to start can be an overwhelming task. Risks are high and success with the new models is challenging and time-consuming. This book fills an important need by providing concrete and proven strategies to aid in an organization’...
Author: Grace E. Terrell, MD, MMM, CPE, FACP, FACPE, and Julian D. "Bo" Bobbitt Jr., JD
The High-Performing Medical Practice: Workflow, Practice Finances, and Patient-Centric Care
It used to be that if you were a good physician, a profitable medical practice followed. But that’s not true any longer. Today, there is too much uncertainty. It takes solid business tactics to run a profitable and high-quality practice.
Author: Owen J. Dahl, MBA, LFACHE, CHBC
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