American Association for Physician Leadership
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Bergitta E. Cotroneo


Deputy Chief Executive Officer & EVP

Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM)

Bergitta E. Cotroneo, FACMPE, is Deputy Chief Executive Officer & EVP at the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM), a northern Virginia-based consortium of five medical professional associations representing over 11,000 academic internal medicine faculty and administrators at academic medical centers and teaching hospitals in the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico.

Prior to joining AAIM, Bergitta served as COO at the National Patient Safety Foundation in MA. Earlier leadership roles include serving as Director of Ambulatory Practice Management, and later Director of Medical Staff Affairs at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Executive Director of the Retina Service at Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, and as Assistant Executive Director of Education, Meetings and Research at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in suburban Chicago.

Bergitta currently serves on several advisory boards and leadership councils, including Flexible Medical Systems Advisory Board, the George Washington University Master of Health Administration Program Advisory Council, and the Virginia Hospital Foundation Womens Health Circle Advisory Board. She recently completed terms of service on the Women Business Leaders of the US Healthcare Industry Foundation (WBL) Advisory Board and the University of Phoenix School of Business and Technology Advisory Council. Bergitta was the first African American member elected to the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Board of Directors, where she served two terms, was elected to the board executive committee, and later board chair. She was selected to join Women of Impact: Leaders in Health and Healthcare as a member of the 2019 cohort. In 2021 Bergitta was invited to serve as the inaugural chair of the WBL DEI Committee. She was appointed to the WBL’s corporate board of directors in 2022.

Bergitta earned a certificate in nonprofit executive management from the Center for Nonprofit Leadership at Georgetown University and a certificate from the AAIM Executive Leadership Program. She is a Fellow of the American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE), MGMA’s certifying body, and holds a BA, in English from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

Areas of Expertise

  • healthcare administration and management; specifically in the field of academic internal medicine, general surgery, and pediatrics
  • nonprofit medical association executive; specifically in the areas of strategy development, operations, and business development


  • BA in English from Indiana University of Pennsylvania.


  • Certificate in nonprofit executive management from the Center for Nonprofit Leadership at Georgetown University

  • Certificate from the AAIM Executive Leadership Program

  • Fellow of the American College of Medical Practice Executives (ACMPE)

For over 45 years.

The American Association for Physician Leadership has helped physicians develop their leadership skills through education, career development, thought leadership and community building.

The American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) changed its name from the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE) in 2014. We may have changed our name, but we are the same organization that has been serving physician leaders since 1975.


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AAPL providers leadership development programs designed to retain valuable team members and improve patient outcomes.

American Association for Physician Leadership®

formerly known as the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE)