Building Well-being in Healthcare
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Clinicians and healthcare professionals today face a crisis of well-being. The increasing demands placed on healthcare workers in an ever-changing system continue to result in increased burnout among healthcare workforces. To best serve patients and communities, and to help colleagues find professional fulfilment in medicine, the challenges of the industry today demand a new approach to leadership in healthcare that focuses on and cultivates the well-being of the clinician.
In this course, learners will examine what it means to lead for well-being at the individual, team, organizational, and national level. They will investigate individual models for well-being and explore the concepts of personalized preventative health and stress-management to increase personal resilience and combat burnout. At the team level, they will learn how to lead teams in healthcare settings with psychological safety, gratitude, and recognition. Organizational well-being will be dissected by looking at the drivers of burnout in the workplace and at the AMA Joy in Medicine Roadmap with the goal of improving conditions to foster fulfillment. Participants will learn how to gather well-being data to monitor progress and to implement programs to build a culture of caring and improve EHR efficiency.
Finally, learners will become aware of components for national-level physician well-being and be able to identify next steps for taking collective action to promote healthcare workforce well-being.
Instruction in the course will be aided by learning activities such as creating a plan to develop individual-level well-being, role-play activities, and small-group and whole-class discussion.
Key Dates
Access to Course Expires:
365 days from purchase date of course.