Building Physician Wellness
The physical and psychological tolls of burnout are widely researched today, but what is burnout really and how does it affect physicians? Building Physician Wellness takes a top-down approach to viewing burnout by first allowing physicians to break their prevailing notions and ideas of these complex topics down into their most fundamental parts, language, and conversation. With this increased understanding of the ways in which reframing language can lead to increased wellness, the course then goes on to address other key elements of burnout theory, such as leadership beliefs, assumptions, and conflict management.
After taking this course, you will be able to interpret the differences between prevailing and new leadership theories, distinguished between healthy vs. unhealthy narratives, and explain the importance of conflict and disagreement.
Course Topics:
A New Language for Leadership and Wellness
Challenging leadership beliefs and assumptions
The internal narrative
Managing Conflict Effectively
Practical Tools for Achieving Wellness
Key Dates
Original Course Release Date:
June 17 2019
Course Second Review Date:
June 17 2022
Course Expiration Date:
June 17 2025
Access to Course Expires:
365 days from purchase date of course.
Course Objectives
Describe the differences between representational and generative language
Interpret the differences between prevailing and new leadership theories
Practice distinguishing healthy internal narratives from limiting ones
Apply knowledge of conversation capacity to your own organization
Explain the importance of productive conflict and disagreement
Apply higher level wellness concepts to your own life