Jenifer Holland will guide us through the fundamentals of board member selection, initiation, and duties.
How do board member selection, initiation and board governance duties work? Join us on this practical episode with Jenifer Holland, Associate Vice President of BoardSource as she guides us through skills every physician leader needs.
BoardSource is a leader in assisting nonprofit organizations fulfill their missions via smart, effective governance.
In this episode we will be speaking with Jenifer Holland, Associate Vice President of BoardSource. Jenifer will guide us through the fundamentals of board member selection, initiation, and duties. From these sound fundamentals and organization will be able to meet it’s mission and thrive. Join Mike Sacopulos and Cheryl Toth to hear a practical episode on skills every physician leader needs.
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Show Notes:
Jenifer Holland,
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The SoundPractice podcast delivers practical information and fresh perspectives for handling the daily challenges of running a medical practice.
Physician advocates Michael Sacopulos, JD (healthcare attorney, author, speaker) and Cheryl Toth, MBA (business writer, speaker - former practice consultant and healthcare tech executive) bring you the best thought leaders, crisp humor, and pithy tips for developing a practice that thrives.
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