Peter Angood discusses the changing health care industry, the challenges facing physician leadership, and how AAPL is positioning itself to be an agent of change.
Peter Angood discusses the changing health care industry, the challenges facing physician leadership, and how AAPL is positioning itself to be an agent of change.
Peter Angood, MD, president and CEO of the American Association of Physician Leadership®, talks with MaxWorth Consulting Group during the association’s 2017 Fall Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona.
During the interview, Angood discusses the changing health care industry, the challenges facing physicians and physician leadership, and how AAPL is positioning itself to be an agent of change.
“Yes, we’re under a lot of stress and duress,” Angood says. “Yes, it’s a complex, complicated industry. But where we’re at in this era of health care, the industry is still looking at physician leadership for that guidance.”
Angood notes that it’s important for all participants in the industry to get back to its core: the patient-physician relationship.
“Our reasons for why we became physicians … we’re caring compassionate people who carry a lot of idealism and we want to be able to create that change in other people’s lives in a positive way.”
MaxWorth Consulting Group, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, works to provide educational opportunities for physician leaders. This interview was originally posted on MaxWorth’s website as an episode in the Insights series.
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