Dr. Peter Angood is president and CEO of the American Association for Physician Leadership, the world’s oldest and largest professional association solely dedicated to physician-led, inter-professional leadership. In that role since 2012, he has continuously promoted the charge that “at some level, all physicians are leaders.”
Dr. Peter Angood is president and CEO of the American Association for Physician Leadership, the world’s oldest and largest professional association solely dedicated to physician-led, inter-professional leadership. In that role since 2012, he has continuously promoted the charge that “at some level, all physicians are leaders.”
Amplifying that mantra, the AAPL announced today publication of the book,
All Physicians are Leaders: Reflections on Inspiring Change Together for Better Healthcare
by Peter B. Angood MD, FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM, FAAPL(Hon)
The book, available in print and convenient eBook, is a frank dialogue and call to action on how all physicians can reach their fullest potential by becoming and remaining more engaged while inspiring engagement in others. It is also a clear-eyed look at the positive and trusted role physicians exercise in every sector of the healthcare industry.
Including chapters on wellness and burnout, patient safety, lifelong learning and the necessary personal and professional competencies for physicians, Dr. Angood’s commentaries are uniquely astute and bold. He asserts that physicians remain the most trusted and dominant conduit for care and decision-making within the multidisciplinary sphere of healthcare and, further, with increasing demands for quality care and patient satisfaction, the physician leader is well-positioned and deserves an equitable say in shaping the future of the healthcare industry.
“The research shows that the benefit of a physician-led organization is improved patient outcomes and decreased costs,” says Dr. Angood. “While academia and basic science research continue to expand the scientific knowledge of medicine at rapid rates, technology, pharmaceuticals, device innovation and digital communication all are redefining their value equation with physicians as leaders in their organizations.”
This book of personal reflections on healthcare and the state of the industry is precisely that: personal.
Dr. Angood’s goal is for the various chapters to spur personal reflection among physicians while instilling in them a renewed sense of privilege and commitment to the profession.
Dr. Angood routinely encourages physicians to continuously pursue deeper levels of personal and professional development throughout their career trajectory. Creating a broader level of positive change in self and society, he says, is within each physician’s reach.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: All Physicians are Leaders … at Some Level
Chapter 2: Physicians, Value and Compound Interest: Benefits of a Physician-Led Organization
Chapter 3: Demographics, Shifting Models and Physician Leadership
Chapter 4: Competencies and Lifelong Learning
Chapter 5: Safety, Transparency and Physician Leadership
Chapter 6: Redefining a Value Equation with Physicians as Leaders
Chapter 7: Adversity, Resilience and Persistence
Chapter 8: Reflections on Evolving Change in Training of Physicians
Chapter 9: Caring and Compassion vs. Physician Compensation
Chapter 10: Metrics, Measurement and Patient Safety Reporting
Chapter 11: Diversity, Inclusion and Physicians’ Need to Give
Chapter 12: The Value of Volunteering
Chapter 13: Violence, Safety and Physician Leadership
Chapter 14: Clarion Call: Elective, Urgent or Emergent?
Chapter 15: Uncertainty, Ambiguity and DiSC: A Contrast
Chapter 16: Generations, Wisdom and a Hero’s Journey
Chapter 17: Crisis Management and Catastrophes: Times for Learning?
Chapter 18: Physicians Meeting the Challenge of Contrasting Ideologies
Chapter 19: Patient-Centered Care: Is it Really Disruptive?
Chapter 20: Physicians and the Sense of Accomplishment
Chapter 21: Telehealth: Has Its Time Come?
Chapter 22: Trust: Professionalism, Altruism, Forbearance
Chapter 23: Appreciation – Where Does it Lead?
Chapter 24: Medicine, Human Wellness and Ecology
Chapter 25: We Know About Physician Burnout; What About Physician Happiness?
Bonus Special Report: The Value of Physician Leadership
About the Author:
Peter B. Angood, MD, is the chief executive officer and president of the American Association for Physician Leadership. Formerly, Dr. Angood was the inaugural chief patient safety officer for The Joint Commission and senior team leader for the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Center for Patient Safety Solutions . He was also senior adviser for patient safety to the National Quality Forum and National Priorities Partnership and the former chief medical officer with the Patient Safety Organization of GE Healthcare. With his academic trauma surgery practice experience ranging from the McGill University hospital system in Canada to the University of Pennsylvania, Yale University and Washington University in St. Louis, Dr. Angood completed his formal academic career as a full professor of surgery, anesthesia and emergency medicine. A fellow in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the American College of Surgeons and the American College of Critical Care Medicine, Dr. Angood is an author in more than 200 publications and a past president for the Society of Critical Care Medicine.
About the American Association for Physician Leadership®The American Association for Physician Leadership remains the only organization solely focused on providing full-services professional development, leadership education, management training and a full array of specialized offerings oriented toward the physician workforce, and the organizations where physicians work or are represented. Founded in 1975 as the American College of Physician Executives (ACPE), AAPL maximizes the potential of physician-led, inter-professional leadership to help create significant personal and institutional transformation that then results overall in improved patient outcomes, a healthier workforce and better health care delivery systems. The association has educated thousands of physicians worldwide, has members in 46 countries at varying career stages, is known for its award-winning magazine, the Physician Leadership Journal, its continuing medical education (CME) courses, and its Certified Physician Executive (CPE) certification program. Based in Tampa, Fla., the association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing education credits, and by the Certifying Commission in Medical Management to award CPE certification. Learn more at
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