The biggest change: peer-reviewed articles on medical leadership and health care delivery in a new section called “The Journal.”
The changes reflect and influence the important work taking place within physician leadership. Additions include a section of peer-reviewed articles on medical leadership and health care delivery.
We’ve been hinting throughout the year about some changes to the Physician Leadership Journal, and they’re here with the arrival of the September/October issue.
The PLJ brings you new features that reflect and influence the important work taking place within physician leadership. The biggest change: peer-reviewed articles on medical leadership and health care delivery in a new section called “The Journal.”
We’ve also added specialty pages, including a personality profile (“Five Questions”), quick educational insight (“Coffee Break Course”), an update on timely online content (“Deeper Dive”), and a quick snapshot of a trend or innovation that physician leaders can use or ponder (“Last Look”).
And while many of your favorite features remain, including original journalism and commentary, there are even more changes planned over the next several months.
It’s all part of our association’s CRISP philosophy — Continuous Renewal through Innovation and Seeking Perfection — and we welcome feedback at
Strategic Perspective
Quality Improvement
CMO — The Best Job in MedicineWorldwide View: Perspectives on Physician LeadershipQuality Improvement Lessons on Implementing Personal Health RecordsRecommended Reading
Problem Solving
CMO — The Best Job in Medicine
Problem Solving
Worldwide View: Perspectives on Physician Leadership
Quality and Risk
Scope of Practice Laws for Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants: Impact on Healthcare Access and Quality
Professional Capabilities
“Profiles in Success”: Certified Physician Executives Share the Value and ROI of their CPE Education
Professional Capabilities
What Makes a Leader?