Nominations are now open for Modern Healthcare’s 50 Most Influential Clinical Executives.
Modern Healthcare’s 50 Most Influential Clinical Executives awards & recognition program honors individuals in healthcare who are deemed by their peers and the senior editors of Modern Healthcare to be paving the way to better health through their executive responsibility, leadership qualities, innovation, community service, and achievements inside and outside of their respective organizations.
We encourage you to nominate yourself or a colleague for this prestigious award. Not only does this recognition honor several remarkable clinician leaders who are currently driving innovation and transformation throughout healthcare, it shines a light on the great work of the entire healthcare community and is an inspiring motivation for those who are tirelessly working to support us all during these challenging times.
Nominees must carry an executive title of senior vice president or higher and must be or have previously been a licensed clinician working within the healthcare industry. A current resume, headshot and a $100 nomination fee are required. The deadline to submit a nomination is March 8, 2021.
Honorees are published in Modern Healthcare Magazine and widely recognized throughout the healthcare community.
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