Catch up with American Association for Physician Leadership members as they share their career news, accolades and other milestones.
American Association for Physician Leadership members share their career news, accolades and other milestones.
MARK GRZESKOWIAK, MD, HMDC, is the new chief medical officer at JourneyCare, which serves 10 counties in the Chicago, Illinois, region and is the state’s largest nonprofit provider of hospice and palliative care.
A member of AAPL since 2016, he has served at JourneyCare as associate medical director and vice president of medical services since 2014, standardizing clinical care across the agency while building and developing physician teams at Chicago-area hospice care centers.
He views technology and new models of care as tools for the physician and clinical teams to intervene at the earlier stages of illness and provide the best possible patient experience.
EDWARD KOLB, MD, MBA, CPE, has been promoted to key leadership positions at the Boys Town National Research Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska. A medical director at Boys Town Hospital since 2006, he takes over as executive vice president of health care and as director and chief medical officer of Boys Town National Research Hospital and medical clinics.
A member of AAPL since 2011, he is board-certified in pediatrics and anesthesiology with a subspecialty in pediatric anesthesiology.
He intends to continue his practice as a physician. “It’s important to me to stay involved with the day-to-day practice of medicine,” he says, “because everything we do at Boys Town Hospital is about providing the best patient care.”
DENNIS DISCH, MD, is a new member of the medical staff at Spectrum Health Lakeland in southwest Michigan. Formerly the executive medical director of the Heart and Vascular Institute at St. Anthony’s Medical Center (now Mercy Hospital South) in St. Louis, Missouri, he is a cardiologist and an AAPL member since 2014.
Attention, association members. Were you recently promoted or receive an award? Got a new job? Publish a book? Or achieve some other milestone? Share your news with colleagues through Members on the Move. Let us know by emailing
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