Here are five good reason to write for the Physician Leadership Journal and share your expertise with other physician leaders.
Need a good reason to share your expertise with other physician leaders? Here are five. Submit a manuscript today.
Need a good reason to share your expertise with other physician leaders in the Physician Leadership Journal? Here are five. Submit a manuscript today.
The PLJ is the official journal of the American Association for Physician Leadership, the world’s premier organization for physician leaders. With members throughout the world, your work can have international impact.
The PLJ is recognized as the voice of physician leadership. For more than 40 years, AAPL has helped physicians develop their leadership skills through education, information and thought leadership. We publish articles that help us fulfill that mission.
Your work published in the PLJ will have the ultimate seal of approval — the review and acceptance of an international editorial board of physician leaders. Peer review distinguishes your work as valid and authoritative.
Your work is indexed and referenced in PubMed, from the U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health. Other physician leaders will be able to find, access and reference your work in theirs.
Your work will do its part to help inspire change in health care. Sharing your experience with colleagues around the world allows all of us to work together in smarter, better ways. The educational power of storytelling is unquestioned.
Learn more about how you can make a difference as a physician leader. View our author submission guidelines on our website or email us at
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