We would like to congratulate and now welcome the following physicians to the prestigious list of CPE alumni.
It is our pleasure to bestow the credential of Certified Physician Executive (CPE) through the Certifying Commission in Medical Management (CCMM).
We would like to congratulate and now welcome the following physicians to the prestigious list of CPE alumni. Their commitment and dedication to leadership through management and influence has been recognized by the Capstone Cohort Leaders, CCMM Credentials Committee, and CCMM Board.
Congratulations to the CPE Inductees…
Nicole Aaronson Syed Haider Abbas Sadia Abbasi Patricia Abboud Robert Abrams Zuhair Abualrihy Smita Agarkar Nawal Al Kaabi Tareef Alaama Raed Al-Dallow Talib Ali Valerie Allusson Rami Almajali Matthew Anderson Michelle Anton Arif Asif Joshua Atkins Mohamed Bakr John Baron Michael Bates Shadi Battah Howard Bean Theresa Becker Clinton Beverly Ritu Bhambhani Ashwani Bhatia Fred Blind Maxwell Boakye Brian Boggs Michael Bradley Alan Briones Thomas Bugliosi Jerome Buller Traci Burgess Claude Burnett Mitul Butala Michael Caccamo Daniel Callahan Stephen Campbell P. Marlene Capps Peter Chang Abubakr Chaudhry William Childers Richard Chou Eric Chumbley Lisa Chun Andrew Cole Corey Cronrath Lisa Corbett Kimberly Costello Lawrence Counts Elaine Cox Yvette Crabtree Steven Crawford Dustin Cupp Daniel Dabbah Vyas Dake Abdallah Dalbih Katherine Dallow Annemarie Daly Janine Danko Jeffrey Dann Steven Davidoff Matthew Davis Ian Day Beatriz de Jongh Roosevelt De Los Santos Florian Robert DeColli Jr Michael DeLeo Steve Delis Rohit Dhall Shimoni Dharia Jose Diaz Kristina Diaz Melissa Dooley Ryan Dopirak Larry Dudas Ken Dunham Todd Duthaler Rukevwe Ehwarieme Shaker Eid Amr El Haraki Mayssoun Elchoufi Ravindhra Elluru Sherief El-Mallah Robert Elwood Paul Entler Mhroos Faik Barak Peters Nathan Falk Alka Farmer W. Allen Fink Mony Fraer Stephen Frankel Nicholas Gavin Chris Ghaemmaghami Laurie Gianturco James Goff Gretchen Goltz William Goodman Shiva kumar Y Gosi Deepak Goyal Brian Gross |
Shadi Haddadin Charles Haigh Michael Hann Matthew Hanson Victor Hassid Aaron Hattaway Fadi Hawawini Maria Hegar Housam Hegazy Shadi Hijjawi Eric Hodgson Kyle Hoedebecke Todd Hoffman Gil Holland Jenevieve Hughes Joseph Huseman II Thomas Iannucci Ijaz Iqbal Karen Isaacs-Charles Khelda Jabbar Bassel Jallad Murali Jatla Karen Jerome Preeti John Erik Johnson Michael Johnson Robert Jones Joseph Joseph Wareef Kabbani Shiv Kalan Aaron Kalin Joseph Kaliski Kathleen Kane Maria Kansas Devine Diane Kantaros Roger Kapoor Girish Kapur Ajay Karki Suganya Karuppana S. Katakam Mei Kee Janine Keever Kristin Kelly Jayne Kendall John Keogh Rajesh Kethireddy Binod Khadka Nardin Khalil Ayaz Khan Faisal Khan Mufaddal Kheda Eugene Kim Tae Won Kim Richard Kipp Martin Klein Robert Kopec Chadd Kraus Jason Kruger Richard Kynion Joseph Landolfi Jeffrey Lawrence Christine Lee James Lee Stefania Lima-Ratcliff Samara Llewellyn Warren Lovinger Jr. Joseph Lubega David Lucas Marcelo Malakooti Jay Malickel Melissa Martinez-Adorono Noel Martins Jason Massengill Gagan Mathur Matthew Mazurek Kathleen McGraw Paul McLoone Jeffrey McQueary Rahul Mediwala Muddassir Mehmood Brenton Meier Jennifer Meko Muhammad Memon Paul Mihalakakos Malec Mokraoui Ryan Molchan Seger Morris Andrew Morton Steven Morton Mark Moseley Robin Motter-Mast Ertha Nanton Joel Nations Joanna Nelms David Nelson Jason Nicholson Jonathan Nussdorf Ihuoma Nwachukwu Ayodele Ogunremi Godswill O. Okoji Charles Olson, Jr. Timi Olutade |
Abiodun “Abi” Omoloja Christina Orate-Dimapilis Pinar Oray-Schrom Reid Orth Jorge Paoli-Bruno Vishnupriyadevi Parvathareddy Delip Patel Stephen Petrany Patrina Phillip-King Paul Phrampus Deidre Pierce Thomas Pineo Robert Pittman Mark Quale Arun Raman Basel Ramlawi Ujjwal Ramtekkar Venu Rangu Benjamin Rattray Dale Ray Patrick Reddy Mark Reiber Keith Reich Jeff Reinhardt Phillip Richardson Nathalie Rigaud Peter Rivera Thomas Roben Michael Rock Ankit Rohatgi Peter Roloff Joel Roos Neil Roy Mario Ruberte Travis Russell Michael Ruzek Jimmy Saade Wayne S. Saltsman Rohith Saravanan Sarah Sartain Joseph Saveika Jill Schenk Bret Schipper Sara Schutte-Schenck Chris Searles Zaiga Sears Bahar Sedarati Michael Seemuller Brad Sellers Merritt Seshul Hemant Shah Gurvinder Shaheed Brendan Sheridan John Simmons Eileen Singer Vijayant Singh Brian Skow Cameron Smith Matthew Smith Rebecca Smith M. Rhonda Sneeringer Bhavin Sonani Min Keun Song Thomas Stamp Mark Stampehl Michele Staunton Mary Stock-Keister Rodney Stout Nicole Sully Alan Taylor Cydney Teal Wayne Teris George Tewfik Keith Thomas Seanna Thompson Randall Tobler Stanley Tretter Michael Truitt Jyoti Upadhyay Rajeesh Vasudev Darlyn Victor Robin Virgin Pranav Virmani Sriram Vissa Edward Vogel Anthony Waldroup Christopher Ward Marta Wayt Diana Weber Derek Weichel Tia Welsh Chris Wilhelm Craig Wittenberg Catherine Wood Jamie Wooldridge Keith Wright Walter Wynkoop Audrea Wynn Faheem Younus George Zazzali Rami Zebian Dani Zoorob |
Again, on behalf of the entire American Association for Physician Leadership organization, we congratulate these physician leaders on their incredible achievement.
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