AAPL Important Announcement of Safety Protocols at our 2021 Fall Institute
Dear Physician Leaders,
We have received inquiries from both registrants for our 2021 Fall Institute as well as those considering attending as it relates to COVID-19 and our delivering the program in-person.
As an attendee for our Fall Institute being held October 28-31 in Scottsdale, AZ, your safety and the safety of all our constituents and staff is paramount. As such, AAPL has been carefully watching the evolving recommendations for in-person gatherings and events. We are actively working with the Westin Kierland and monitoring updates from the CDC, Scottsdale, as well as the state of Arizona, on safety protocols and precautions. As many are aware, rates of infection and hospitalization due to COVID-19 Delta variant have dramatically increased. As such, and to be responsible partners, we will be limiting the attendance of our live event to only those who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19.
Key elements to keep in mind:
Mask mandates are still in place regarding mass transit which includes airports, on airplanes, taxi, Ubers, buses, etc. We encourage the wearing of masks for those in large groups.
Social distancing of three feet while participating at the training sessions. As possible, we will be configuring room setups to achieve this added level of protection.
Hand hygiene is of the utmost importance. The CDC also states that if hand washing is not available immediately, hand sanitizer containing ≥ 60% alcohol can be used.
Breakfast and lunch options at the Kierland include a buffet setup wherein food will be served to you, or you can opt for take-away food/drink options.
If you or someone in your household has tested positive for COVID-19 within the two weeks prior to the event, PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND.
We are hopeful that as more get vaccinated we all will be able to move beyond this latest surge, and that our Fall Institute will be a safe and enjoyable experience. We will continue monitoring all guidance to ensure we deliver a safe educational experience and will keep passing information along as we press forward.

Peter B. AngoodMD, FRCS(C), FACS, MCCM, FAAPL(Hon)Association President & Chief Executive OfficerAmerican Association of Physician Leadership
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